“What we call the personality is often a jumble of genuine traits and adopted coping styles that do not reflect our true self at all but the loss of it.” Gabor Maté
Psychosynthesis offers a holistic approach to living and explores how we wish to express ourselves in the world. It works with the mind, body, feelings and spirit and holds the context that within each of us is the potential for our deepest sense of identity and purpose to emerge.
Roberto Assagioli, a contemporary of Freud and Jung, developed psychosynthesis psychology. Assagioli believed that while our childhood experience affects our present living, we also have within us the vast human potential for healing and change. When we repress this higher potential for wholeness, it can lead to debilitating symptoms, loss of meaning and psychological dis-ease which may add to, and be equal to, the distress arising out of childhood trauma.
Within psychosynthesis counselling and psychotherapy we may explore our past in order to heal it and live more fully in the present, and we do this through the context of self-discovery.
Painful symptoms of anxiety and depression, and feelings of loss and grief and of being stuck may be a doorway through to a more authentic sense of who we are and who we may be.
What is Psychosynthesis?
We may find our self in touch with an ever-increasing capacity to express ourselves through fulfilling relationships, our creativity and connection to our purpose in life.
Psychosynthesis honours the pain and confusion we experience in times of psychological difficulty and crisis, while drawing on our spiritual nature and holding the potential for wholeness and transformation.